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Sustaining our Joint Commitment to Improve Access to Mental Health Care for Veterans and Their Families

Date and time

Fri Mar 14 2025

<div>Sustaining our Joint Commitment to Improve Access to Mental Health Care for Veterans and Their Families</div><div style="margin-top: 20px"><div style="margin: 20px 10px;font-size: 15px;line-height: 22px;font-weight: 400;text-align: left;"><p>The Mental Health Summit aims to enhance the mental health and well-being of Veterans and their family members through increased collaboration among members of VA’s staff and the community. Our goal is to engage in a robust dialogue on ways that we as a community can address the mental health needs of local Veterans and their families. In addition to these new conversations, we will expand on previous discussions to build on the collaborations we have created. The VAMC Chillicothe 2023 MH Summit, along with other community partners will present on topics such as mental health and stigma. It will highlight different areas in which stigma impacts treatment such as mental health, suicide, substance abuse and women. Community agencies will also do presentations to work toward the common goal of providing the best care possible for veterans and engage in partnerships with others.</p><p></p><p>Topics Include:</p><p></p><ul><li>My Life My Story - a program designed for providers and consumers to focus on "person-first" to destigmatize mental health treatment</li><li>Challenges of Women win the Military</li><li>Stigma of Substance Abuse Treatment in Pregnancy</li><li>Language We Use in Suicide Prevention and It's Impact on Reaching Out for Help</li><li>EPIC - *Early Intervention in Psychosis</li><li>Whole Health and demonstration/participation in yoga</li><li>Resources Available in the Community for Veterans and VA Programming</li><li>Vendor Fair and Networking</li></ul><p>The event is open to everyone. Complimentary lunch will be provided to those attending the event in person. The event will include VA, Adena Health System, and community organizations that provide services in each of the focus areas. There will be a variety of presentations on clinical care options, research, and resources available to Veterans and their families.</p><p>5.5 CEU's available for social workers, psychologists, counselors and nurses through VA TMS </p><p>Non VA attendees can create a TMS account by following the instructions below</p><p>Instructions for Non-VA Participants to Create a TMS Account and Obtain CE Certificates</p><p><strong>Conference Name: Chillicothe VAMC 2023 Annual Community Mental Health Summit</strong></p><p><strong>Conference ID TMS Item Number 4644045</strong></p><p><strong>Conference Start Date August 4th 2023</strong></p><p><strong>Conference Location: Adena PACCAR Medical Education Center, 446 Hospital Rd, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601</strong></p><p><strong>Chillicothe VAMC 538</strong></p><p>Thanks for your interest in this VA educational program. VA manages and tracks all training and CEs through the online Talent Management System (TMS). To attend and receive your CE certificate, you’ll need to go online and complete information to create and account in TMS. If you have questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact your </p><p>VA POINT of contact;</p><p>STEP 1: Create an account in TMS.</p><p>Instructions:A. To access the TMS, you must use one of the following browsers:</p><p>• Internet Explorer (11.0 and above)</p><p>• Mozilla Firefox (3.6.x.x and above)</p><p>• Safari on Mac (6.0 and above)</p><p>• Google Chrome (23.0.x.x and above)</p><p>B. Go to the TMS homepage ( and click Create New User to set up a TMS profile.</p><p> C. Select Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and click Next</p><p>D. Select Conference Attendee and click Next</p><p>E. Note: The Email Address that you enter here will be used as your Username to log into the system. Please ensure that the email address you use is one which you will be able access.</p><p>F. Note: The VA Location, VA Point of Contact and all conference information are in bold print at the top of the instructions</p><p> G. You should see the Congratulations screen. At this point you should make note of your TMS Username (which will be the Email Address that you entered). Click Continue to proceed.</p><p> H. After 20 minutes have passed, please return to and enter your Username and click Submit. TMS requires a double authentication to access. After you enter your User name and submit you will need to get a passcode to access. The passcode will be mailed to the email address you provided above.</p><p> I. Once your Passcode arrives, enter it using your keyboard, or the on-screen number pad, and click Submit.</p><p> J. You will be asked to select and provide answers to two security questions. These will be used if you need to reset your TMS password. Click SAVE.</p><p>STEP 2. After the end of the program. Verify and evaluate the education WITHIN 30 DAYS. Obtain your CEU certificate. </p><p>A. About one week after the program, log in to the TMS homepage ( Sign in using your user ID identified in G (above). </p><p>B. You will also need to do H and I again. If you want to print your certificate, be sure your computer is connected to a printer.</p><p>C. Click on “Complete Survey”, complete and submit it. </p><p>After the Survey (evaluation) has been received, you will be taken to a new page. On this page click on the “My History” tile. </p><p>Click on “View All”. </p><p>Hover the cursor over the program title click on “View Details” in the popup window that appears. DO NOT click on the “Print Certificate” here. </p><p>In the Completed Work Details screen, you should see a section named “Accreditation Details.” </p><p></p><p>Click the “Print Accredited Certificate” button next to your requested Accreditation (ACCME, ANCC, etc.)</p><p></p><p>Your Accredited certificate should appear on the screen for you to save or print.</p><p></p></div></div>


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